October 2021

ICCFA’s Memento Mori: The What, When, and Why of Succession Planning

Know Your Business, Know Yourself by Jason Widing Published in ICCFA's Memento Mori Magazine Covid-19 sent shockwaves throughout the funeral industry. The day-to-day policies and practices that comprise “business as usual” may never be the same. For many independent funeral business owners, 2021 is the year to move on—to pass their businesses on to the…
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NFDA’s The Director: How building strong individuals produces winning teams

How building strong individuals produces winning teams. BY JASON WIDING Published by National Funeral Directors Association. Every March, NCAA conferences around the country compete to determine the best teams and individuals to battle it out in the national championship. The month is affec-tionately referred to as March Madness. When you read “March Madness,” you think…
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American Cemetery & Cremation: How to Avoid Cremation Mistakes

Read this article on American Cemetery & Cremation As a 25-year funeral industry veteran, former second-generation funeral home owner and co-founder of a cremation society, I have been passionate about avoiding mistakes my entire career. Running a mistake-free operation requires attention to every detail and constant communication – with team members, with families and with…
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American Funeral Director: Being Tech Savvy in 2021

Read this article published by American Funeral Director For the past 10-plus years, many funeral homes have turned their on-site selection rooms into a virtual experience. There was always a room inside the facility where caskets and other items were on display. Families could touch the caskets and choose what options they wanted as far…
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