Foundation Partners News

Father Knows Best

For children who have followed in their funeral director father's footsteps, these important lessons are the foundation of who they are and what they do.

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The Time Was Right

"Did you hear?” seemed to be the common refrain on the exhibition floor, education sessions, escalators, and elevators. What was everyone seemingly talking about? Three days before the show’s opening, Foundation Partners Group announced that Mark Krause, president of Krause Funeral Homes & Cremation Service Inc. in Milwaukee, had agreed to sell his firm to the company and join Foundation Partners as vice president of industry relations and government affairs.

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Is 2024 the Year to Sell Your Business? I Wish I’d Sold Mine Sooner.

After a busy few years of mergers and acquisitions in the deathcare industry, in 2023 an inflationary environment and rising interest rates contributed to a marked reduction in deal activity. As we begin 2024, however, all signs point to an increase in M&A activity and great opportunities for funeral business owners looking to transition to a new chapter of their lives.

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