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Q&A with Doug Jennings,
Jennings Funeral Home & Crematory and Gulf Coast Cremations

Why I partnered

Q&A with Doug Jennings, Jennings Funeral Home & Crematory and Gulf Coast Cremations

Pictured at a “Welcome to the Foundation Partners Family” dinner are (l-r): Justin Baxley, VP-Business Development; Kimberly Bragg (Licensed Funeral Dir.), Doug Jennings, owner; Sally Jennings, Gulf Coast Cremations; Debra Jennings, owner; Bob Bukala, President & CEO; Dillon Roberts, location leader; David Trivette, Integration & Assimilation Mgr.; Chris Hamiel, Integration & Assimilation Director; Stephanie Jennings, Gulf Coast Cremations.

How is Foundation Partners aligned with the values that drive your business?

Selling a family business like ours is very personal. It’s not like selling tires. Foundation Partners understands that. They value our reputation, our Team Members and our service to the community.  I’ve sold businesses to corporations in the past and that was not the case. Foundation Partners has already begun adding the systems and technology that will make us better and more efficient. I could not have done that on my own.  They also provide my daughters with many more opportunities to grow their funeral service careers, which supports my family values.

I am most surprised and pleased with the degree to which the Foundation Partners team has been accessible. I can call anyone, including company President & CEO Bob Bukala, and get through; emails are answered within minutes and we have a Home Office team member sitting in our office to help with integration questions and issues. Everyone has been extremely nice; they are happy to help fix what’s broken and if it’s not, they have a don’t’ fix it attitude. We could not be happier with the transition.

My Dad has passed on but for several years before he did he would frequently ask me “When are you going to sell?” My wife and I and we’ve seen many changes over the years. I’m 61 now and I don’t want to wait too long to start doing and seeing things that I’ve thought about all my life  — things that a couple can’t do when they run a 24/7 business. My Dad would say, “It’s about time. Why did you wait so long? Now get to doing stuff.”

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If you’re thinking about succession planning, now is the perfect time to arrange a complimentary, confidential financial analysis with Foundation Partners.

    Foundation Partners Group
    369 N. New York Avenue
    Winter Park, FL 32789

    For general inquiries, please call:
    Phone: (888) 788-7526
    Fax: (407) 583-4735