In the heart of Jackson, California, Daneri Mortuary, a cornerstone in the community for over a century, continues its unwavering dedication to compassionate funeral and cremation services. Since its acquisition by Winter Park-based Foundation Partners Group in 2023, the mortuary’s commitment to the local area has only deepened, fostering a sense of family among its…
As we begin 2024, it’s hard to ignore the long, strange journey we’ve all been on since January 20, 2020. The day the first American was diagnosed with COVID-19 marked the beginning of a new era — one filled with more uncertainties and challenges than most of us could have imagined.
Yet turmoil gave rise…
This time, instead of asking funeral directors to offer their predictions for the new year, we’re asking them to share their thoughts on what keeps them up at night and what gives them hope for the future.
Five women from various former professions who have broken through the proverbial glass ceiling in funeral service. By Lee Senderov