If timing is everything, then Kent Robertson’s arrival as the new CEO of Foundation Partners Group at roughly the same time as the COVID-19 lockdown was fortunate for the company and the funeral business.
Originally published in American Funeral Director.
As a funeral home owner, you have worked hard to build and grow your business over the years. Your funeral home is more than a source of income; it’s a valuable asset and key to succession planning. But how do you know what your business is worth?
Investment in the stock…
Originally printed in Southern Funeral Director, May 2023
Ask Foundation Partners Chief Financial Officer Thomas Kominsky what makes his approach to business partnerships different from others in the deathcare industry and he'll tell you: "We buy businesses we want to own versus those that are for sale." With 20 years' experience in corporate and strategic finance…
Mark Krause is a fourth-generation funeral director whose successful Wisconsin funeral home business joined Foundation Partners Group last year. The founder and past president of the Funeral Service and Cremation Alliance of Wisconsin (FSCA), he is a former president of Preferred Funeral Directors International (PFDI) and past president of the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral…