Foundation Partners News

When Ownership Ends but the Ministry of Service Continues

In the funeral profession, like many others, business succession plans take on many forms. In the most recent funeral association Member Succession Planning Study, 65% of funeral home owners surveyed said they plan to exit their business by transferring or selling to a child, another family member, a key employee, or co-owner. What studies like this do not cover, however, are the gray areas between those options.

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The Road Ahead for Deathcare

As we begin 2024, it's hard to ignore the long, strange journey we've all been on since January 20, 2020. The day the first American was diagnosed with COVID-19 marked the beginning of a new era -- one filled with more uncertainties and challenges than most of us could have imagined.

Yet turmoil gave rise to adaptation and opened our eyes to new and different ways to serve families. As funeral service professionals who once exclusively relied on face-to-face interaction, we quickly pivoted to virtual methods of serving families. From online arrangements to graveside streaming, we harnessed technology and our own creativity to do whatever it took to bridge the gaps created by the worldwide pandemic.

We continue to look ahead. As we stand on the starting line of 2024, we asked four Foundation Partners Group experts to share their thoughts on what to expect in the coming year.

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Thoughts on the New Year Ahead

This time, instead of asking funeral directors to offer their predictions for the new year, we’re asking them to share their thoughts on what keeps them up at night and what gives them hope for the future.

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The Doors Are Open

Five women from various former professions who have broken through the proverbial glass ceiling in funeral service. By Lee Senderov

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