
Dream Team

A "Team"...It has become common practice for many leaders to use this term when talking about their staff to help build morale and reinforce that it takes everyone working together to reach the organization’s goals.

July 2017

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Charting a Course

I can probably count on one hand the times my wife has asked me to go with her to the spa. For me, relaxation is usually spelled H-A-R-L-E-Y. However, this time, I was really glad I went, not just for the brownie points, but for the professional lesson in connecting with consumers.

April 2017

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Cremation: A CFO’s Perspective

I have spoken to many individuals in the funeral service industry and many lament the increasing cremation mix shift taking place. The consistent message is coming from the insiders is that it is getting more difficult to make money in today's environment.

April 2017

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Asking the Right Questions

Regardless of your tenure as a funeral professional, no matter how long you have been serving families, it is possible you have never really planned a funeral service event.

March 2017

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