Foundation Partners News

Lights, Camera, Action: How to Respond When the Media Calls

Originally printed in the September/October issue of Funeral Business Solutions Magazine. As funeral service professionals, we are well-versed in dealing with families during some of the darkest days of their lives. We also pride ourselves on our public speaking abilities and are proud to be community leaders. However, these interpersonal and public speaking skills can…
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What’s Your Business Really Worth?

Originally published in American Funeral Director.  As a funeral home owner, you have worked hard to build and grow your business over the years. Your funeral home is more than a source of income; it’s a valuable asset and key to succession planning. But how do you know what your business is worth? Investment in…
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Q&A With Thomas Kominsky, Foundation Partners Group Chief Financial Officer

Originally printed in Southern Funeral Director, May 2023 Ask Foundation Partners Chief Financial Officer Thomas Kominsky what makes his ap­proach to business partnerships different from others in the deathcare industry and he'll tell you: "We buy businesses we want to own versus those that are for sale." With 20 years' expe­rience in corporate and strategic…
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